Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Get outside and get active!

Hello Everyone,

         This is one of my favorite seasons to do outdoor recreation or activities because the weather is perfect. For the past few weeks I have started taking my puppy Oscar running with me and he loves it. We go on trails and roads and sometimes do both in the same run to keep the variety going for the both of us! Last week we ran around the Boulevard in Portland which is dog friendly and a perfect running path around the back bay. This spring they have made some additions to the area with the soccer field and gardens. They added an obstacle course that goes around the perimeter of the soccer field. This is an awesome activity for your family, friends, or maybe a sports team to participate in. It gets your heart going and challenges you to try new things with the support of others. Below I included a few pictures of some of the elements they have to offer, plus a pretty view of our run.

Since this obstacle course is around the perimeter of the soccer field you could set a goal for your group to complete in a certain amount of time. Make sure any goals you make for your kids or friends to be achievable while being safe and fun!

Try to get down and check this out this weekend while we still have some beautiful weather!


Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Rain or shine we like to have fun!

Hello everyone,

with summer coming to a close and fall on our doorstep brings some cooler weather that is perfect for climbing! We also do not let a little rain scare us away! Last week we had an awesome IT group come from IDEXX (a local company) to spend a team building day and having new experiences together. Team building is an awesome event to participate in whether you are child or adult, it can really help open your perspective to new ideas. Team building is not just playing name games, or doing trust falls, but its about stepping out of your comfort zone and pushing yourself to new heights with the support of your peers. At Seacoast Adventure we are just beginning to get into having team building outings and I am very excited! I am in the process of creating the program now!

Below are a few pictures from our day with IDEXX, it was a rainy one but none the less an awesome day!

Have a great rest of your week!
