Friday, February 8, 2013


Happy snow day everyone!!

Whether or not you like it there is a blizzard upon us here in southern Maine and let me tell you I am soooo excited!! FINALLY we get some real snow around here, I was beggining to wonder if we still even had winters in Maine, but mother nature sure is showing me and I'm glad!

Everyone is going to be dying to get that powder under their board or skiis but depending upon the severity of the wind it may take some time to actually get to all that magical stuff at the top of the mountain! Be sure to check out your mountains daily report and for all of the mountains check out

The annual Sebago Lake Rotary Ice Fishing Derby is coming right up on Feburary 16th and 17th!
Make sure to check out all of the events happening there from snowbiel races to the polar dip! If you have never been you should definitely go and check it out, its a lot of fun!

Here at Seacoast Snow Park we have been making snow to create an awesome base and along with this predicted 2 feet of powder we will not be seeing any dirt up on that hill for a longggg time!! You may think we are crazy to make snow before a snow storm, but creating a deep base is the most importnat aspect. The powder is great to look at but not for longjevity of our tubing lanes!! We are beyond excited for this storm and will be digging for the next 24 hours!!

Maybe after this storm everyone will actually be able to get out their snowmobiles! :-)


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