Friday, January 18, 2013

"business" trips...gotta love em!

Good evening everyone,
I apologize on the delay since my last post but I am currently residing in Bradenton Beach, Florida!
I came down to Orlando, Florida with my father for the AIMS safety convention, in which Ride Entertainment that owns the brand Skycoaster. We own a 100 foot Skycoaster so every year we come down for a one day seminar and the following day you take a 50 question test over the owners manual, demonstrating your understanding of the material, in which is necessary for operations and maintenance of the Skycoaster.

We took the test on Thursday and both received a 98 (which is 49/50 questions), aka we both did great!

Through the seminar I learned new ideas for training, inspections, and operations which I am excited to put in place at our park this spring! I find it very intriguing that this one ride can bring people from all over the country and put them all into one room concerning one ride, the Skycoaster! This brand has been around since the early 90's and has gone under many changes and still continues to change to this day. After speaking with the president of the company, there is always room for improvement no matter how big or small the business you are running.

One of the speakers during the seminar was a Safety professional. She had worked for Disney for many years and now owns a safety consulting business of her own. Hearing her story, how she fell into the safety industry and has learner/experienced many different jobs has lead her to be able to run her own company, and is very commendable. Safety is a part of our daily lives, from driving to eating, to getting on a roller coaster or walking down the street. This brings me back to the idea I have building upon, which is no matter where you go or look, there are always so many people behind the scenes. The people behind the scenes, that we don't see or take the time to acknowledge are usually the most important part of the puzzle that creates a functioning business.

While I have been enjoying the warm weather down here in Florida, I know back at home in Maine we have gotten at least 5 inches of snow and some very cold temperatures the past couple days! As much as I love the 70 degree weather, nothing makes me happier than a fresh coating of snow.

Seacoast will be opening all 12 lanes soon and now currently have 7 great lanes open with fast conditions! We are currently making snow so we can open up everything, including our second lift line and 5 other lanes! I know that Sunday River has been making snow like crazy, so be sure to check all of the mountain reports. So, get out and be active on this long holiday weekend!!


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