Sunday, October 6, 2013

Fall activities

Hello everyone ,

Just wanted to share some pictures from work this weekend of a father that brought his two daughters to the park for the first time. I think they were skeptical at first but afterwards they expressed many thank you's for such a great first experience on a ropes course.

 This shows how our element 'Flip-Flops' work as this girl progressed across them doing so well!

I hope to motivate people of all ages to come and experience this ropes course and the fall is the best time of year to come! Have a great week everyone!


Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Get outside and get active!

Hello Everyone,

         This is one of my favorite seasons to do outdoor recreation or activities because the weather is perfect. For the past few weeks I have started taking my puppy Oscar running with me and he loves it. We go on trails and roads and sometimes do both in the same run to keep the variety going for the both of us! Last week we ran around the Boulevard in Portland which is dog friendly and a perfect running path around the back bay. This spring they have made some additions to the area with the soccer field and gardens. They added an obstacle course that goes around the perimeter of the soccer field. This is an awesome activity for your family, friends, or maybe a sports team to participate in. It gets your heart going and challenges you to try new things with the support of others. Below I included a few pictures of some of the elements they have to offer, plus a pretty view of our run.

Since this obstacle course is around the perimeter of the soccer field you could set a goal for your group to complete in a certain amount of time. Make sure any goals you make for your kids or friends to be achievable while being safe and fun!

Try to get down and check this out this weekend while we still have some beautiful weather!


Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Rain or shine we like to have fun!

Hello everyone,

with summer coming to a close and fall on our doorstep brings some cooler weather that is perfect for climbing! We also do not let a little rain scare us away! Last week we had an awesome IT group come from IDEXX (a local company) to spend a team building day and having new experiences together. Team building is an awesome event to participate in whether you are child or adult, it can really help open your perspective to new ideas. Team building is not just playing name games, or doing trust falls, but its about stepping out of your comfort zone and pushing yourself to new heights with the support of your peers. At Seacoast Adventure we are just beginning to get into having team building outings and I am very excited! I am in the process of creating the program now!

Below are a few pictures from our day with IDEXX, it was a rainy one but none the less an awesome day!

Have a great rest of your week!


Sunday, July 28, 2013

Summer Sunsets

Hey everyone,

I just wanted to share a beautiful picture of a sunset that happened this week. I didn't know if any of the people viewing this blog might have their favorite spots to watch the sunset.

I was told that Hackers Hill in Casco, Maine is a beautiful destination to watch the sunset. It gets you just high enough to look over the hill sides and watch the sunset go down.

I also have some other ideas to get you guys moving outside that requires less effort than climbing in the trees. Pondicherry Park is in Bridgeton, Maine it has free parking and a bridge over the road to get you access to the park.

This photo illustrates the different types of paths and their lengths available at this location. Maybe after sitting at work all day take your family or you pet for a walk here.

Another great place to visit is Jugtown Forest in Casco, Maine. The link below gives all of the details.

Have a great Sunday everyone!


Monday, July 15, 2013

Climb like an ape up in the trees!

Good afternoon everyone,

Today I just wanted to share some new pictures of our recently expanded ropes course. I really love some of the new elements that we have to offer and hope you will want to come try them out with us! We have expanded our green and blue courses so we have something to offer everyone.

All of these pictures are out on our back ropes course and are all brand new elements so if you haven't tried them yet come test out your climbing skills with us!

Have a great week!


Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Want to play in the ocean?

Hello everyone,

We are finally now into July and starting to get some hotter days which makes everyone want to cool off in some water. Whether it be the ocean, lake, river, pond, or pool maybe! We all like to go for a swim and cool off, especially us who work outside all day long. I have been lucky enough to work a few days a week outside and on the ocean which is the best at Ocean Jet Ski Rentals.

These are 4 Jet Skis available for rent by the half hour, hour, or two hours. The experience begins in Camp Ellis, Maine off of the pier, which is at the mouth of the Saco River, right beside the jetty. A "spotter" or staff member on another jet ski will bring you out past the rocks of the jetty and into the ocean. From there you can play around the islands or cruise along the beach up to Old Orchard Beach. If Jet skis and going fast aren't your thing visit Bare Knee Point Kayak Rentals which is basically our neighbors. Take kayaks up the Saco River enjoying the beautiful scenery and wildlife. If you have never been kayaking before I highly recommend it from this location. Both experiences I would have anyone from Maine or just visiting participate in!


Saturday, June 29, 2013

Come Zip with us!

Good afternoon everyone!

I hope everyone is starting their summer of with some fun! If you havent yet then come on down and start your summer vacation with us! I took this picture the other morning before opening the zip lines. This is view from the starting platform, going 1000 feet accross the hill to the high tower. From their you go down 2 more zip lines zig-zagging through the trees and down the hill giving you over 2000 feet of zips! We have the longest Zip Line in Maine so if you havent tried ours then you are surely missing out!

We look forward to seeing you soon! To make reservations please visit our website!

Have a great weekend :-)


Monday, June 24, 2013

Hot Hot Hot!

Good afternoon everyone,

Today was a very hot and humid day, but we made the best of it doing some training with our employees! These are our new Double Runner racing Zip Lines off of our Green trail that send you 350 feet out into the woods! The progression of pictures really gives you an idea of how far they are zipping! One of the employees was completely frightened but said as long as he was getting to the ground he was excited to zip! Even though he was scared he pushed himself, exemplifying how the ropes course is what we like to call Challenge by Choice. Challenge by choice means that we have the facility to challenge you as much or as little as you want. Everyone has different fears, or concerns, or physical abilities, so we want to be here to support everyone at all levels. Challenging yourself is rewarding no matter the activity so we are excited to be able to give you a memorable experience here at Crazy Apes!

Have a great day!

Thursday, June 20, 2013

There's not a cloud in the sky today!

Good Morning everyone!

It is a perfect day here at Seacoast Adventure, with temps in the 70's and the sun shining...what else could we ask for? Well maybe more people to come to the park and play with us but it will get busier as the days go by.

Had a great day yesterday out on the ropes course, friends, family, couples, and school groups came to climb. I took a couple pictures of a couple that came in to climb and to do our Triple Zip Tour.

A lot of people think this is just a kids course until they get out there and start climbing! These trails range from green to black, easy to most difficult. We have 3 green trails, 3 blue trails, and 1 black trail. Each green and blue course has multiple zip lines off of them ranging from 100-450 feet long! We have just finished adding our two double runner zip lines, so now you can race your friends! We have a ropes course like no one else, and can't wait for you to come try it out!

The weather is perfect for outdoor activities so make sure you get outside and be active! High school is over now so most tennis courts are now available all of the time. If you don't like to go for a run down your road, find a local running path through the woods. There are too many trails to count, so try to find some that are closest to you and just keep trying new ones each week. The high school's soccer fields are also good to use, you can set up running circuits or anything you want! Get a group of your friends and do your own personalized boot camp! Get creative with exercise and push yourself to try new things, that's what makes it truly fun!

Have a great day everyone!


Thursday, June 13, 2013

Summer is almost here...well real summer!!

Helloooo everyone,

Finally the rain has cleared and the sunshine has returned! This past weekend most all local high schools graduated and this next week everyone else finishes school...which means our real summer is about to begin! We have been getting ready for weeks...we have new greens on our mini golf course. The outback ropes course is still currently being finished...the last few new elements are being put up this weekend. We are filling the bumper boat pond this week and are looking forward to warmer weather!

We have been have new and returning employee orientations for the past couple weeks, and pulling in new staff for training sessions. We find it important that if our staff havent tried one of our attractions they must try it before regularly working here! So here are some pictures of our employees on our Sky Swing, Hill Slides, and Go-Karts.

Tomorrow we have invited all of our staff to come in and climb our ropes courses. Ill be sure to post some photos of them this weekend! If you are local or want to come climb at an amazing facility we are located in Windham, Maine we have two separate ropes courses, with 7 trails, and 6 major zip lines in the courses ranging from 250-450 feet!!

Have an awesome day!

Saturday, May 4, 2013

May is already!

Hello everyone,

Spring is here and the sun shining what else could we ask for?! Everyone is doing yard work, having yard sales, and getting ready for summer that is just a few short weeks away! Here at Seacoast Fun Park we have been doing lawn and maintenance work for weeks just to get open for spring! We have mini golf, go-karts, disc golf, and Crazy Apes our ropes course and zip lines! We are currently working on getting our hill slides ready now that all of the snow has finally melted off the tubing hill!

This is a picture of our back ropes course that has 7 different trails starting from a green level and excelling up to black our most challenging trail. We are currently expanding this course adding up to 6 more elements and 4 major zip lines. We have double-runner zips off green and blue which allow you to race each other, flying between the trees and into the woods. We have the most unique and exciting ropes course in Maine with the cheapest price! Make sure to come check us out!

Have a great day!


Friday, April 12, 2013

Hello everyone!

It's been awhile since my last post because I have been so busy! I went away on vacation to Salt Lake City, Utah for 6 days to visit my family and friends! I went snowboarding at Brighton resort, went hiking in the Spanish forks national park up to natural hot springs, and went to the Indian festival called 'Holi' the festival of colors, celebrated on easter. I had such an amazing trip and never wanted to return home!

The tubing season is now over at Seacoast but the ski resorts still have plenty of snow and are getting new accumulation right now!

Even though I am looking outside and seeing snow, I am definitely ready for spring! Tomorrow Crazy Apes ariel adventures and zip lines open! First day of the season and I am looking forward to being back in the trees and spending my days outside again and out of the office!

It's the famous Reggae weekend up at Sugarloaf which I am very sad to be missing out on! If you dont have any plans this weekend make your way up there for the time of your life!!

Have a great weekend everyone,
Maggy :-)

Tuesday, March 26, 2013

It may technically be spring but I still feel winter!

Good afternoon everyone!!

Its a windy but sunny day down here in southern Maine, and I am at work catching up on my office business before I fly out to Utah tomorrow! I am sooooooo excited about my trip, this is my third year in a row going, and I am absolutely in love with the west!

But, last week we got an awesome snow storm and I made sure I made my way to Sunday River to get my last powder day in! It snowed all day Tuesday and in the mountains it was sunny out but still snowed the entire day Wednesday when I was there! It's funny how many people are willing to call out of work to get a taste of that fresh mountain pow! There is nothing better in a skiiers world than getting to play in some of that fluffy snow, and there were smiles across everyones face all day :)
This was the view from White Cap Lodge, you see no one in the picture but this was the middle of the afternoon...aka no lines!! It was a perfect day of riding and my legs were toast by the end of the day!

After that snow storm the weather has been pretty mild and we have had some beautiful days tubing at Seacoast!

I took this picture on Sunday, we had 11 lanes open, it was sunny, and 45 degrees what else could you ask for in the end of March?!

I know some peeople are sick of the snow and winter, so just remind yourself spring is around the corner! Yesterday I ran outside and then walked the beach, so you can do anything this time of year as long as you are dressed right!

We are open for tubing this weekend and possibly next weekend! Make sure you get you spring skiing in and come home with some goggle tans!!


Monday, March 18, 2013

Snow is coming!!

Good afternoon!!

I hope everyone had a great holiday weekend finishing it off with St.Paddy's Day yesterday!

Today is the calm before our snow storm that will be starting after midnight tonight and going into Wednesday morning!

I know that not everyone is happy about this but the reality is that we are still in the winter months, and mother nature is reminding of us this with a storm! Spring is not going to be right around the corner, like some snow-haters that I know will not be too happy about. But anyone that skis, snowboards, snowshoes, snowmobobiles, snow tubes, and whatever else you Mainers do in the snow will be happy about it!!

This picture is of my little helper and me at the snow park! His name is Oscar, he's 4 months old, and is being trained to be our snow park's mascot! I got him to pull the tube a little ways, he loves tubing, and riding the carpet far best dog ever!

This weekend I stayed up in Oquossoc, Maine which is right near Rangeley, Maine. It's really beautiful up there with the lake and more importantly their town's landmark is Saddleback Mountain.

This a view from the top of the quad at the mountain, it was a little icy from the rain but overall the view just makes it all better! With this coming snowfall the mountains and us (seaocast snow park) will be able to have a longer, snow-filled season!

Get ready for the snow today and get outside to enjoy some of the sunshine!


Wednesday, March 6, 2013


Good afternoon everyone,

it has continued to snow on and off for what seems like the past week with snowfall today and accumulation happening tomorrow of 2-5 inches! Last wednesday I was able to go up to Sunday River for the day, which was amazing!!! It snowed at least 5 inches while I was there making for perfect powder conditions...I was one happy snowboarder! (Sorry the pics are sideways they arent when viewing them on my computer but I can't figure out how to rotate the pics on the blog!)

I know everyone is starting to feel a little cabin fever about the winter, but lets enjoy it while its still here! If you feel the need to go running, I know the Back Bay Boulevard sidewalk/running path is cleared off. Another indoor option is going to MRG (Maine Rock Gym) is in Portland, and it a great way to get some exercise through a different indoor activity.

Happy Hump Day Everyone!

Friday, March 1, 2013

wow...thank you mother nature

Good afternoon everyone!!

This winter is flying by I can not believe it is already march! It is proving to be a great winter though winter tons of snowfall within the past couple weeks. It has even been snowing a little today, we certainly love it here at the snow park.

We had a very successful February vacation week...we were packed!! But this was a picture of one of our afternoon time session..both lifts running giving plenty of people rides to the top with 12 lanes open! I got to meet some awesome people this week that came as far as Marthas Vineyard to go tubing!

We had two different people come to the park this week to take some new footage and pictures. One of them goes down on skiing jumping between the lanes with his hero cam getting some amazing shots! 

Tonight we are holding our second annual fundraiser for the South Windham Fire Station! Half of every ticket purchased tonight will be donated to the fire station. So that means everyone get your gear on and come join us tubing under the lights tonight!

See you all tonight because I will not be working but taking part in the fun! Can not wait to go tubing! :)


Saturday, February 16, 2013

Feburary vacation craziness begins!!

Good afternoon everyone,

It was really pretty waking up to snow falling this morning even if it did not accumulate very much! Today has been a great day at Seacoast Snow Park, I am currently up in the office but from my view you can see all of the people up on the hill! We have both lifts running and 12 awesome lanes of tubing!
I am so glad to see that so many families are lucky enough to be able to come spend part of their day at our park!

All schools and some colleges are on February break this week, which means most winter establishments busiest times of the year. Sugarloaf, Sunday River, Shawnee Peak, and every ski mountain will be open all week long! The annual Ice Fishing Derby is going on now, so make sure to get over to Big Sebago and check out the events happening at Raymond Beach!

I was lucky enough to get up to Sugarloaf this week and the conditions were amazingggg, so make sure you try and sneak up to the mountain and get away. I love nothing more than being outside, getting exercise, and doing something I love to do...snowboard! Make sure every week you try and do something for your self that makes you happy! :)

If you plan on coming to Seacoast, try and find me (Margaret) and I will have free passes or coupons on me that I will be giving away all week long!!

Have a great weekend everyone!


Friday, February 8, 2013


Happy snow day everyone!!

Whether or not you like it there is a blizzard upon us here in southern Maine and let me tell you I am soooo excited!! FINALLY we get some real snow around here, I was beggining to wonder if we still even had winters in Maine, but mother nature sure is showing me and I'm glad!

Everyone is going to be dying to get that powder under their board or skiis but depending upon the severity of the wind it may take some time to actually get to all that magical stuff at the top of the mountain! Be sure to check out your mountains daily report and for all of the mountains check out

The annual Sebago Lake Rotary Ice Fishing Derby is coming right up on Feburary 16th and 17th!
Make sure to check out all of the events happening there from snowbiel races to the polar dip! If you have never been you should definitely go and check it out, its a lot of fun!

Here at Seacoast Snow Park we have been making snow to create an awesome base and along with this predicted 2 feet of powder we will not be seeing any dirt up on that hill for a longggg time!! You may think we are crazy to make snow before a snow storm, but creating a deep base is the most importnat aspect. The powder is great to look at but not for longjevity of our tubing lanes!! We are beyond excited for this storm and will be digging for the next 24 hours!!

Maybe after this storm everyone will actually be able to get out their snowmobiles! :-)


Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Get active!!

Hello everyone,

we have been without any considerable snowfall here in Maine for awhileee now so it limits what fun things we can do outside in the winter time but I have an idea for you!
If you like to get bundled up and be active outside, but cant go cross country skiing, or snowshoeing, or snowmobiling, but want to be active try ropes course climbing and zip lining!

 This picture (above) is from the bottom of the high tower where the zips are received, this is the longest zip line in Maine which is 1000 feet long! It's an awesome ride day or night, zipping across the tubing park!
This is a picture of one of the ropes courses at Seacoast, our back course has 3 different levels going from green to black courses. You start around 10 feet off the ground and move up to being around 50 feet ground off the ground on the black course. I went up and played on this the other day and I love it just as much in the winter as I do in the summer or fall! It might be a little chilly but as you continue to excel through the course you will be taking off layers!

Many studies have been done on the benefits of ropes course climbing from therapeutic benefits for couples, or physical muscle strengthening. Climbing on these ropes courses are a great way to do team building because it as much mental as it is a physical experience making it very unique! Each element you cross is different, from swinging blocks, to bridges, to cable walks, that all challenge you differently!

If you are looking to maybe stay inside but still craving winter I highly recommend watching one of Warren Miller's films Off The Grid, he has made many over the years and I love every one of them! Every winter I go to Portland for the premiere of his new film at the State Theater. I highly recommend buying or renting any of his films and I think some of them are on Netflix!

Have a great day everyone!


Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Dreary day :(

Good morning everyone,
It a cloudy day with drizzle...not good for doing anything outdoors. But the weekend is projected to be sunny and in the 30's along with a chance of snow on Sunday so perfect weather to get outside and do something fun!

Make sure to check out Ski Maine's daily report page to get easy access to the Mountain's daily reports.

This is a picture I took the other day at work...the sky was beautiful, conditions are great, and the tubing is super fast! If you are looking for something different to do, come on in Thursday Nights from 5-8pm tubing it only $10! We always have a bonfire and good music, along with the best snowtubing in New England!

For something different to do I found on groupon a deal for Horseback trail riding in Casco, Maine its only $25 and you can buy up to 4 vouchers so a group of friends can all go together! The trails sound beautiful and if you have never been trail riding I highly recommned it, I have been going since I was a kid and I still love going!

I hope everyone has a great rest of thier week and dont forget to get out and be active every day!


Friday, January 25, 2013


Good afternoon everyone!!

It sure has been a cold week here in Maine with day time temps only reaching the single digits! You can tell you're a real mainer when you walk outside and go ehh its not bad (real temp is 15 degrees outside). All it takes is time to adjust to these fridgid temperatures for them to become noraml! This weekends temperatures are going to be in the 20's with plenty of sun shine on sunday so be sure to get outside and be active!

In my Lifetime physical fitness class we watched a video going over the importance of daily exercise in everyone's life. The only preventative medicine you can do for your health is exercise so be sure to get out and do something everyday!
If you dont like winter maybe go indoor rock climbing at Maine Rock Gym or take a group fitness class! Maybe if you need to unthaw stop in at Greener Postures Yoga studios located in Falmouth and South Portland for some hot yoga.
If you're tight for money but still want to do something fun check out Groupon! They always have deals on Ski Mountain tickets or guided snow-shoe tours on mountains that I plan on trying out soon!

If you're looking for something fun to do at night time, come to Seacoast! We have extended time blocks Friday and Saturday nights from 5-9pm and its $17 for anyone over 4' tall. We also have zip lines operating at nights, operation hours on Saturday are 1:30-8:30pm and Sundays are 12:30-5:30.
If you come to the park tonight [1/25] I will be handing out a half dozen $5 off coupons, I will be the one working in the cafe wearing a purple flannel! Hope to see you tonight!!

Pleeasseeee go onto Twitter and follow us! Also like us on facebook to be updated on specials and upcoming events!


Friday, January 18, 2013

"business" trips...gotta love em!

Good evening everyone,
I apologize on the delay since my last post but I am currently residing in Bradenton Beach, Florida!
I came down to Orlando, Florida with my father for the AIMS safety convention, in which Ride Entertainment that owns the brand Skycoaster. We own a 100 foot Skycoaster so every year we come down for a one day seminar and the following day you take a 50 question test over the owners manual, demonstrating your understanding of the material, in which is necessary for operations and maintenance of the Skycoaster.

We took the test on Thursday and both received a 98 (which is 49/50 questions), aka we both did great!

Through the seminar I learned new ideas for training, inspections, and operations which I am excited to put in place at our park this spring! I find it very intriguing that this one ride can bring people from all over the country and put them all into one room concerning one ride, the Skycoaster! This brand has been around since the early 90's and has gone under many changes and still continues to change to this day. After speaking with the president of the company, there is always room for improvement no matter how big or small the business you are running.

One of the speakers during the seminar was a Safety professional. She had worked for Disney for many years and now owns a safety consulting business of her own. Hearing her story, how she fell into the safety industry and has learner/experienced many different jobs has lead her to be able to run her own company, and is very commendable. Safety is a part of our daily lives, from driving to eating, to getting on a roller coaster or walking down the street. This brings me back to the idea I have building upon, which is no matter where you go or look, there are always so many people behind the scenes. The people behind the scenes, that we don't see or take the time to acknowledge are usually the most important part of the puzzle that creates a functioning business.

While I have been enjoying the warm weather down here in Florida, I know back at home in Maine we have gotten at least 5 inches of snow and some very cold temperatures the past couple days! As much as I love the 70 degree weather, nothing makes me happier than a fresh coating of snow.

Seacoast will be opening all 12 lanes soon and now currently have 7 great lanes open with fast conditions! We are currently making snow so we can open up everything, including our second lift line and 5 other lanes! I know that Sunday River has been making snow like crazy, so be sure to check all of the mountain reports. So, get out and be active on this long holiday weekend!!


Saturday, January 5, 2013


Hello everyone!

It has been awhile since I have been on here...the opening of Seacoast has kept me busy...along with my escape up to sugarloaf for a day to enjoy all of the snow we got last week!
Sugarloaf was amazingggg, fresh powder and untouched corduroy was exactly what any skier or rider dreams of, and that's exactly what the mountains had to offer after 2 plus feet of fresh snowfall! The conditions last week were better than they were almost the entire season last winter...the almanac is proving to be true predicting a very snow-filled winter for us Mainahs.

Make sure to check for all of the local mountains updated conditions.

Starting tomorrow Sunday River's annual College Fest begins and lasts all week long with events hosted by Snow Riders. Check out their website for more details about all of the events...I know I will be up there for Badfish playing on Wednesday 1/9!

Sugarloaf also has College Snowfest Week happening at the same time...too many fun things to pick from in one week! Check out their website for more details on bands and events happening there.

Hope everyone is enjoying their vacation if they are in college and get outside and do something this weekend its going to be beautiful out! 

Seacoast Snow Park